Pinnacle consults at all levels of the organization from the shop-floor to executive levels in order to bring about positive and impactful transformation within an organization. The following are a few areas where Pinnacle has successfully facilitated transformations for individuals as well as for corporations and businesses:
Consulting Services from Pinnacle Process Solutions
Lean and Six Sigma Solutions
Lean is the ’Engine’, which will help propel change and optimization in organizations by driving out waste and non-value added elements which impede progress.
Six Sigma structure lays down the ’Tracks’ for the lean train to continue propelling forward by maintaining superior quality and optimizing the gains.
Pinnacle provides cutting edge and innovative lean and six sigma tools for long term growth and sustainment of initiatives. Pinnacle has pioneered the following advances in lean from a business and human development view-point:
- Lean Project Leadership ™
- iLean ® technology *
- Holistic Lean ® technology
- Lean4kids ®
- Science of simplicity ™
Pinnacle is partnered with several pioneers in the industry to provide a comprehensive and proven solution for guaranteed success and growth of any business. Pinnacle’s Adil Dalal is also a certified instructor and portfolio reviewer for ASQ, SME, AME and Shingo Prize Lean certification exams.
* iLean ® is a powerful technique designed and patented by Pinnacle Process Solutions, Intl ® to truly change the DNA of your organizational culture. This can only be achieved by impacting the mind-set and behavior of the employees and permanently transforming them into super-motivated beings who can achieve superlative results in any initiative they undertake.
Some benefits of using Pinnacle Lean and Six Sigma Solutions are:
- Elimination of non-value added elements
- Elimination of waste in organization
- Optimization
- Increased quality
- Increased Profits
- Higher Productivity
- Cost Reduction
- Inventory Reduction
- Energy Reduction
- Strong Supply Chain
- Motivated Employees
- Delighted Clients
Business Excellence Solutions
Pinnacle has a proven track record of over a decade of championing business excellence through true culture transformations in small, medium and large businesses in U.S., Canada, Africa, Malaysia, Latin America, Mexico and Europe using pioneering techniques. Pinnacle innovative solutions for breakthrough positive transformation have been applied to governments, corporations, small & medium-sized businesses, and individuals.
Pinnacle has pioneered the following advances for business excellence:
- Permanent Breakthrough Transformation ™ (PBT) Model for business excellence
- The 12 Pillars Business Excellence Assessment tool
- The Power of Visualization ™
- Science of Simplicity ™
- Dynamic risk leadership ™
- Dynamic project failures analysis ™
Pinnacle's 'Permanent Breakthrough Transformation™' Model for Business Excellence
Unless people are ‘self-aware’ and ‘self-motivated’ to implement solutions, all initiatives will fail in the long run. As more people are truly transformed, the DNA (culture) of the corporation will also be positively impacted in all areas which will include safety, medical costs, customer satisfaction, growth and profit margins.
Inefficiencies and sub-optimization in processes and systems (manufacturing, business and supply chain) can frustrate the employees, drive away customers and ruin a business. Until process improvement, optimization and waste reduction becomes second nature and a ‘behavior’ trait to all employees, lean, six sigma and other initiatives may provide only some short-term benefits.
Business Strategy
Using creativity, innovation and excellence as an integral part of business strategy is critical to long term success. The bigger the corporation, the more difficult it gets to get focus, consensus, alignment and clear communication regarding business strategy, goals & objectives. Businesses need to learn the ‘way of the cheetah’ i.e. design a simple structure, a clear and concise strategy which is executed with utmost speed and passion. Even if the strategy fails – they need to learn to refine the Strategy and re-execute with similar passion. The key is the simplicity of the business strategy and organizational structure which will allow it to execute the strategy with greatest velocity.
Human Capital Enhancement Solutions
Pinnacle has a proven track record of over a decade of championing business excellence through true culture transformations in small, medium and large businesses in U.S., Canada, Africa, Malaysia, Latin America, Mexico and Europe using pioneering techniques. Pinnacle innovative solutions for breakthrough positive transformation have been applied to:
- Optimizing ‘Appreciating Assets’
- Developing a Culture of Creativity and Innovation
- Lean Project Leadership ™
- iLean ® technology
- Holistic Lean ® technology
- Lean4kids ®
- Science of simplicity ™
What Our Clients Are Saying
“Pinnacle has exceeded our expectations through its ability to rapidly access the current situation and develop a clear and thorough roadmap for restructure.”
David Beard, COO Douglas Furniture
“Adil trained our Operations Department on the concept of Flow Technology. An excellent trainer, Adil gave training sessions to all employees on DFT and lean manufacturing.”
Mark Lipscomb, Director of Human Resources, Stryker Endoscopy
“I have had the opportunity to work with Adil several times over the last few months and I have benefited greatly from it. He is very knowledgeable and well organized.”
Brett Young, Lean Sigma Coordinator